Organic is a word so frequently used on web articles, in our chats or on a label of a food product, also seen and heard a lot but in reality we know so little about organic food or agriculture products.
Organic is not a buzz word any more. We are so confused and lack knowledge on this matter that we believe that the word ”natural” found on a food label means the same thing as organic. On the contrary a food labelled as ”natural” is not organic and it will never be. Natural is used for foods that they are not organic and do not contain lab chemical additives such as sorbates, benzoic acid, nitrates and nitrites and sulfites.
Food with the label ”natural” involves conventional farming which uses toxic pesticides and heavy metals (or even genetically modified food ingredients in US) including the well known herbicide Round-up or glyphosate.
We have seen customers and authros arguing that the organic products are expensive and they do not taste the superiority against the conventional food which is full of toxic chemicals. Every week, nutritionists try to convince us with long blog articles that there is no taste difference.
Residual pesticides on our food carrying the trigger of diseases and cancer can have better taste than organic one but it will still remain toxic and be cause of cancer. Does it matter whether a apple full of pesticides has got better taste than an organic one?
Instead of being happy when the organic word is seen on the food label, we argue about taste! Unbelievable!
Nature never used a drop of any toxic chemicals to fight off diseases or pests. It uses its own power to eliminate threats, pests, bacteria or other tiny forms of attacks from its environment.
How we see here, in Organic ekiosk, is a bit different to the rest of the world. We see the huge damaging impact on humans’s health, on soil, water and air caused by toxic chemicals, GMO, and heavy metals used in conventional farming and animal breeding and raising.
Organic farming is related and deeply connected to ”sustainability”. When the soil and water are not contaminated by the toxic chemical pesticides used in conventional farming to fight off insects, diseases, and weeds, then the quality of soil and water remains at high level. Organic farming is a sustainable method cultivating the earth.
Spraying the trees and plants with these toxic chemical substances means that they remain on the fruits, seeds, leaves and even stems of the tree/plant and subsequently they will be in our food. We have been told that peach tree accepts 6 spraying cycles in order to produce a nice peach, sold in the supermarket for £3.50 (3 or 4)!
The remaining toxic substances are called residues. These residues can not be washed off entirely with lukewarm water. They are ended up being inside our body organs.
There is very little sampling on these products little done with regards to testing of chemical residues from any regulating organisation/body either nationally or internationally in EU countries.
How the water and soil are contaminated
According to Merriam Webster on line dictionary, toxic : ”containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation” and it uses an example of ”an insecticide highly toxic to birds”
World uses over 4.1 million tonnes of pesticides and a recent research published in Environmental Science & Technology Journal on 3rd of February 2021 reveals that up to 50% of these toxic pesticides ends up in the soil.
They then get dispersed all over through the processes of volatilisation, wind erosion, leaching and runoff. Possibly a huge amount of them ends in water underground systems.
Humans end up eating and drinking contaminated food triggering diseases such as cancer. They have been seen all over especially from the studies in Round-up.
Here in Organic ekiosk, we offer products which are only Organic certified foods, and only from artisan producers, farmers, growers and beekeepers.
Organic certified producer follows the strict organic farming standards in which use toxic chemicals is not permitted at all.
Organic Beekeeping is a major sector of food which need the attention of the consumers. We want all beekeepers to produce organic honey as the conventional beekeeping uses the super toxic compound amitraz where in some countries it is traded with the name tic-tac. Below we have written some of the symptoms from poisoning with amitraz:
”the clinical manifestations varies from central nervous system (CNS) depression (drowsiness, coma, and convulsions), miosis or mydriasis, respiratory depression, cardiovascular depression (bradycardia, hypotension), hypothermia or hyperthermia, hyperglycemia, polyuria, vomiting and decreased gastrointestinal motility”
(Source: BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, Herath, Pahalagamage, 23/01/2017.
Someone will be shocked or become dizzy by reading only one line of the symptoms, and these are the symptoms of only one toxic insecticide used in honey. Moths which are able to eat the wax comb are treated with another toxic chemical compounds while in organic beekeeping the combs are placed in the freezer for protection for such insect.
Organic honey is produced without the usage of any chemical compound treatment.
Humans are at end of food chain and this means food contaminated with chemicals ends in human body system, which in turn is converted into a toxic substances storage system.
Do we want our children to be free from all these dangerous and poisonous chemicals? Of course we do, but many wonder how this is going to be done? By selecting and consuming organic foods is the answer.
Free from any toxic chemicals organic foods will help us towards a development of a strong immune system to fight off viruses and flus in the future.